Promote your program to contacts & track referrals with ActiveCampaign
ActiveCampaign is an email marketing, marketing automation, and CRM platform.
Connect ActiveCampaign with Referral Rock to:
- Promote your program with ActiveCampaign Email Campaigns
- Track referral conversions on your ActiveCampaign Forms
Promote Sharing from Email Campaigns
Common use cases for sharing with email campaigns:
- Launch your program to your email list
- Announce your program to each new customer
- Keep your program discoverable in email footers
Our links make it easy for any email recipient to share with their friends. With one click, the recipient instantly gets into their Member Portal to start sharing. No passwords or registration required!
Step 1: Build Your Link
Click the button below to create a link for use in ActiveCampaign emails.
Step 2: Add Link to Email Templates
Adding your program's access link to email templates is a great way to maintain awareness of your program. Not everyone joins right away, but knowing your referral program exists helps remind people to share.
Step 3: Add the Link to your Email Campaign
- Create an email campaign in ActiveCampaign
- Place the link as the call-to-action (e.g. a “Get My Share Link” button)
- Send yourself a test email to verify the link works correctly
- Send your email campaign
Track Referrals on Forms
Integrating referral conversion tracking with your ActiveCampaign Form allows you to use your existing forms and landing pages to link new customers to the referral program.
- This integration requires installation of Referral.js SDK.
- Make sure your program's referral destination is set to your website with the form
Forms with Confirmation Pages
You'll be setting up Referral Rock as a redirect between your current Thank-You/Confirmation pages to capture the referral without changing your existing customer experience.
Step 1: Build your Form URL to Send to Referral Rock
- Determine which fields that you would like to pass from your ActiveCampaign form to Referral Rock. We require either an email address or external identifier in order to capture the Referral.
- Find the Personalization Tag for these fields by going to Forms > Manage Fields > Contacts.
- Edit the Form you would like to integrate with Referral Rock and navigate to Options and choose Open URL under On Submit.
- Note this location and continue to Referral Rock to retrieve the URL you will be placing here.
Step 2: Replace previous Form URL with your Conversion Redirect URL
Find the Referral Rock URL that ActiveCampaign will redirect to once the form is submitted.
- Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Conversion Redirect or click here. Copy your Conversion Redirect URL which looks something like this:
- Now that we have the core URL, we need to add parameter mapping in order to send information from your ActiveCampaign form fields to Referral Rock. Add ? to the end of your URL for the first parameter and use & to separate any subsequent parameters. Note the structure is ?ReferralRockParameter=ActiveCampaignTag
- Example:
- View Referral Rock's URL parameters here to help you match the parameter to the proper ActiveCampaign token!
- Place the Conversion URL you have built into the Open URL On Submit in your form settings in ActiveCampaign.
Step 3: Set the Final Destination of the Referral
- Determine where you would like your Referrals to go after they have submitted the form. This could be a thank you or confirmation page. Note the URL of the page you have chosen.
- In Referral Rock, Navigate to Settings > Integrations > Conversion Redirect or click here
- Scroll down past your core conversion URL until you see Redirect URL.
- Paste the final destination URL you have chosen.
- Once you're done with everything, submit a form and ensure the data is coming through correctly in your Integration Events Log
Updated over 1 year ago