Conversion Method

Creates referrals based on a page load event


This method creates a referral as soon as the webpage with the script on it loads and is usually placed on confirmation pages.

Its primary use case is for conversion flows where there is a thank you page or when form data is inputted over multiple pages, like a checkout flow.



Use Cases

This method usually placed on the webpage following a successful conversion event. This ensures the conversion event occurred and prevents referrals from being created in error.

Page Examples: booking confirm, purchase confirmation, new account welcome, or account dashboard.

The script has parameters representing referral properties. You must pass your form's values to these parameters using variables unique to your platform or code base. Common examples of where to find variables names are:

  1. Form platform's documentation (i.e. WooCommerce's variable for email is "{customer_email}"
  2. The URL of the confirm page - many form providers append form data to the URL (e.g. Calendly)
  3. Local storage of browser - your website may save form submission data to the referral's browser

If you don't know how to find the unique variables for your form data, please contact your form provider, development team, or our support team for assistance.

In the Script Examples and Parameters section below you'll see examples for a scripts using platform variables and on using URL-based variables.

Script Examples

There are basic, additional, custom, and URL-based parameters available for use with the conversion script. The values passed to these parameters are then saved with the referral upon creation. It’s recommended to use the basic parameters when implementing this method.

Use one of the script examples below to begin building your own script using any of the parameters found in the parameter tables below.

Basic Script Example

Use this example if your form data can be accessed using variable names unique to your code base or form platform. These are not the IDs or names of the actual form fields.

<script type="text/javascript">
    window.referralJS = ((window.referralJS !== null && window.referralJS !== undefined) ? window.referralJS : {});
    window.referralJS.conversion = {
        debug: "false",
        parameters: {
            firstName: "input first name variable",
            email: "inupt email variable",
            externalIdentifier: "input external ID variable",
            amount: "input amount variable"

URL-based Script Example

Use this script example if your form data is found in the URL string of the confirmation page.

To illustrate, using the variable "invitee_email" for the emailParamName: parameter will cause the Referral.js SDK to retrieve from the portion of the URL.

<script type="text/javascript">
    window.referralJS = ((window.referralJS !== null && window.referralJS !== undefined) ? window.referralJS : {});
    window.referralJS.conversion = {
        debug: "false",
        parameters: {
        externalIdentifierParamName: "enter uuid variable name from URL",
        emailParamName: "enter email variable name from URL",
        amountParamName: "enter amount variable name from URL",
        firstNameParamName: "enter fName variable name from URL",
        lastNameParamName: "enter lName variable name from URL"


The scripts above are examples, you must use your own variables instead of the variables in the example (e.g. "%%ORDER_ID%%").

Method Parameters

Basic Parameters

amountRequired to trigger rewards based on the Referral's purchase amount and also allows for advanced data reporting.

*Value should NOT include a currency code.
emailRequired for rewards and to send program emails. This or the externalidentifier is used to positively ID Referrals and protect against fraud.
externalIdentifierRequired for the Referral Update method if not using the email parameter. This should be a unique ID to connect the Referral to other systems (e.g. HubSpot).
firstNameUsed for Referral identification and communications with the first name merge tag.
lastNameUsed for Referral identification and communications with the last name merge tag.

Additional Parameters

companyNameDisplays on referral details page for program admins.
conversionStatusDefault value is PROGRAMRULE. This is configurable in the program's conversion settings to change the Referral's status to approved or leave as pending.

fullNameCan use this parameter instead of firstName and lastName. Referral Rock will parse the full name value.
notePrivate note only seen by program administrators.
phoneAccepts all phone number formats.
preferredContactAccepts phone numbers and email addresses.
publicNoteNote that is visible to the Member who referred them and program administrators.
referralCodeCan be set to a Member's referral code. This will override and ignore any value found in the browser's cookie or URL string.

Set to TESTID for testing purposes. This will prevent a referral from being created but create log events.

Custom Parameters

Up to three custom text fields and two custom options can be added as parameters. Text fields are intended for text entry fields, and options are meant for dropdown selection fields. Any additional custom parameters added will be ignored.

The code below is an example, all parameter values must be replaced by your own values.

<script type="text/javascript">
   (window.referralJS??= {}).conversion = {
      debug: "false",
      parameters: {
      email: "{{}}",
      firstName: "{{client.first_name}}",
      lastName: "{{client.last_name}}",
      externalIdentifier: "{{}}",
                  "Item Purchased":"item.title",
                  "Item Type":"item.category"
                  "Item Quantity":"item.qauntity"

URL-based Parameters

Use these parameters if your form data is in the URL of the browser.

amountParamNameRequired to trigger rewards based on the Referral's purchase amount and also allows for advanced data reporting.

*Value should NOT include a currency code.
emailParamNameRequired for rewards and to send program emails. This or the externalIdentifierParamName is used to positively ID Referrals and protect against fraud.
externalIdentifierParamNameRequired for the Referral Update method if not using the emailParamName parameter. This should be a unique ID to connect the Referral to other systems (e.g. HubSpot).
firstNameParamNameUsed for Referral identification and communications with the first name merge tag.
fullNameParamNameCan use this parameter instead of firstNameParamName and lastNameParamName. Referral Rock will parse the full name value.
lastNameParamNameUsed for Referral identification and communications with the last name merge tag.
noteParamNamePrivate note only seen by program administrators.

FAQ & Debug Help

Use the Integration Event Log to make sure Referrals and their information is being captured properly.

The Event Log displays all the integration events associated with the program. These events include conversion events and will show when the On-page Conversion method is triggered.

Clicking the details icon for an On-page Conversion event will show all of the data being passed by the script and confirm the desired parameters are being saved correctly.

There is also a debug setting on the script that can be set to true. When this is done, an iFrame will appear after the page loads as pictured here:


Debug mode example